14872 Audio Programmes | 34 Program Languages | 44 Program Themes | 156 CR Stations | 56 CR Initiatives | and growing...


MIB OneWorld Webinar

Community Radio (CR) is an important third tier in radio broadcasting, distinct from public service and commercial media. In the last few years, this sector has been growing slowly but effectively in India. Community Radio Stations (CRS) are essentially low power radio stations which are meant to be set up and operated by the local communities. CRS permissions in India are granted to educational institutions, agricultural institutions and civil society organizations that are not-for-profit organisations.

On behalf of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India, OneWorld Foundation India (OneWorld) is organising a series of webinars on the following themes:

Webinar for Prospective Community Radio Applicants

Webinars of Permission Holders of Community Radio Stations

Webinar for Existing Community Radio Stations

    Community Radio Awareness Webinars for Prospective Community Radio Applicants
    Key objectives:
  • To generate awareness amongst the civil society, potential applicants, government departments and stakeholders.
  • To propagate and demystify the CR policy and its processes.
  • To motivate the participants and other eligible civil society organisations to apply for permission to operate CR Stations.
  • To explain and demonstrate the application/permission process and facilitate eligible applicants to submit application.
  • To provide an overview on basic principles of CRS, ownership, process of capacity building, content generation, technology, management, and sustainability of CR station.
  • To demonstrate CR application process, especially through CR online portal.
    Capacity Building Webinars of Permission Holders of Community Radio Stations
    Key objectives:
  • Enable organisations holding LOI and/or GOPA to understand, strengthen and improve various aspects of specific themes of each capacity building programme
  • Encourage peer learning and processes contributing to it
  • Document good practices conforming to the thematic areas
  • Build a repository of capacity building processes, tools, and modules for evaluation and possible replication
  • Identify and build a database of organizations and experts with core competence in various community radio areas.
    Capacity Building Webinars of Existing Community Radio Stations
    Key objectives:
  • Enable operational Community Radio Stations to strengthen their capacity in operating of stations
  • Encourage peer learning processes
  • Document good practices
  • Enable Community Radio Stations to adhere policy guidelines and GoPA agreement.

Seats are limited and on first come first serve basis. Interested organisations are invited to drop an email as an expression of their interest. The selection of the participating organisations will be subject to the fulfilment of criteria laid down by the government of India.