Dengue fever solle and charandi program ( Kannada)
Solle and Charandi program with Dr Subhasini (about dengue fever).
Solle and Charandi program with Dr Subhasini (about dengue fever).
This radio programme features an interview with Nisha Agrawal, Chief Executive Officer, OXFAM India, on issues related to social justice philanthropy and corporate citizenship. OneWorld in partnership with National Foundation for India initiated this radio series to demystify and deepen the understanding of social justice philanthropy among people and various stakeholders. The idea is also to motivate businesses to enhance and widen the scope of philanthropy from mere giving to strategic philanthropy.
This radio programme is part of our special radio series based on issues related to strategic and social justice philanthropy. In this episode, we speak to Dipti Goyal of Dasra, a Mumbai based organisation that works with leading philanthropists and social entrepreneurs in India. Ms Goyal talks about issues like corporate citizenship, corporate foundations and ways of strategizing philanthropy in her radio interview. Speaking about the ways, Ms Goyal suggested that the research can play an important role in strengthening philanthropic activities and ensuring effective implementation of activities.
This episode of Ek Duniya Ek Awaaz is based on a conversation with Sminu Jindal, Managing Director, Jindal SAW Limited. In this programme, Ms Jindal speaks about the issues related to inclusion and access vis-a-vis Social Justice Philanthropy. She also looks into the reasons behind lack of interest among corporate philanthropic organisations in supporting causes like disability.
Vishal Bhardwaj, Assistant Executive Director of Dalmiya Bharat Group, deliberates on issues related to corporate social responsbility. In this episode Mr Bhardwaj talks about the Corporate Social Responsbility law and the needs of handholding of corporates and NGOs to get the optimum of development through CSR. He explained how the law will bring sincerity to the corporates which were earlier not involved in it. He emphasized on the participation of the ground people in the programme to make it more meaningful.
Harpal Singh, Chair of the Board of Directors of Save the Children deliberates on issues related to corporate social responsibility and its relation vis-à-vis corporate citizenship. In this episode Mr Singh talks about the role of corporates social development and employment generation while ensuring inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalised sections of the society. He also highlights some of the work done by Save the Children in conflict ridden areas of the country.
इस रेडियो विज्ञापन में लोगों के बीच आपसी मतभेद को कानूनी तरीके से सुलझाने की बात कही गयी है |
This episode of Ek Duniya Ek Awaaz is based on the issues related to philanthropy vis-a-vis social justice. In this programme, we spoke to Ajay Shriram, Chairman and Senior Managing Director, DCM Shriram Consolidated Limited. Mr Shriram talks about the need of collaboration among NGO's and corporates catalysing developmental processes. He says that the government and corporate sector together should encourage employment generation, transparency, eradicate sanitation problems and work towards improving health conditions.
This programme is produced by PARD Vanoli, a community radio station in Tamil Nadu. It includes a song regarding social justice.
The third episode of special radio series on Social Justice Responsibility addresses issues like philanthropy to promote social justice, equity, sustainability, spiritual and economic well-being of people etc. In this episode of Ek Duniya Ek Awaaz, we spoke to Bharat Wakhlu, Resident Director of TATA Services. Mr Wakhlu spoke about the linkage of issues related to social justice with growth of businesses and society. NGOs and Civil Society Organisation expecting funds from corporates need to enhance their accountability, governance and transparency. Talking about the corporates undertaking philanthropic activities for the sake of it, need to strategize their work in a much focussed manner. This programme is produced by OneWorld South Asia (OWSA) in partnership with National Foundation For India (NFI).
11 Programme(s)
From a social point of view, though most of these businesses depend on local resources but what they give in return to the society has been contentious. Traditionally, the culture of giving in India remains confined to individual and religious philanthropy. Social Justice Philanthropy is different from charity and mere philanthropy. Social Justice Philanthropy not only promotes philanthropists to spend time and money to solve social problems but inspires them to look at the structural challenges associated with them.