Baheno Na Sath Ma (Gujarati)
A song named "Baheno Na Sath Ma" by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
A song named "Baheno Na Sath Ma" by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
A song named "Sewa Tari Baheno" by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
A song named "Panida Chhalake" by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
A song named "He Sewa Ma Rudi No Radio" by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
A song named "Mara Khetar Ma" by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
A title song by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
A song named "Duha Chhand" by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
A song named "So Programme" by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
A song named "Rudi No Radio Re" by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
A song named "Vada Pachhavade" by Rudi No Radio in Gujarat, representing their radio station and culture.
0 Script
<p>Community Rudi no Radio Station aims to make present the voices of women from informal communities and also act as a training centre to support the emergence of other such community radio channels.</p>
<p>CRS was set up in the wake of the Gujarat earthquake in the year 2000, to act as a medium of communication and source of information and education on social issues.</p>
Content is yet to be updated by the station.
<p>Signature Programme: Saptrangi,Vadhmana, RuduUpvan, VadloBoleChe, Killol, RudinoRadio, SatvikJivan and AakashmareAambhanuche. Community Participation: Member basedorganisationslikeco-operatives,Selfhelp groups,savingsand creditassociations are encouraged tocontributesmall amounts for developing content for the radio programmes in exchange of information on several issues. Women, children, elders and youth participate through ShrotaMandals (Listener Groups). Radio programmes are also narrow cast for wider reach. Innovation in format: The radio station runs phone-inprogrammessothatlistenerscan personallysharetheirviewsbycallingthestudio and participate with the phone-out sessions wherethe announcerspersonallycalllistenerstotake viewsand feedback. There is also a ‘liveclassroom’ to aid students in learning.</p>
<p>Self-fundingand bysisterorganizationSEWAlikeSEWABank, Video SEWA,SEWAUnion and Insuranceco-operative of EWA.</p>
<p>Creation of awareness on various health, education and employment related issues amongst youth and women. Rural women are trained to operate a radio station on their own.</p>
SEWA Academy, Thakore Bhai Park, Manipur Village, Taluka: Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad
Phone: 079-26577115/ 09825415062
Frequency : 90.4000015258789
Broadcast hours : 09:00 AM -01:00 PM and 02:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Established in : 2009-11-26
Org. / Institution :
Language : NA