14872 Audio Programmes | 34 Program Languages | 44 Program Themes | 156 CR Stations | 56 CR Initiatives | and growing...

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The Axshya Community Radio Project is an initiative to improve general understanding of tuberculosis, a crucial public health issue in India and is being implemented as part of the Global Fund Round 9 activities. The two key objectives of the project are to increas awareness about TB in the communities served by the CRS and to improve knowledge of locally available TB services, thereby linking patients to appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Five CR stations participated in year one of the project (2010-11), each broadcasting a 26-part series on TB between January and March 2011. In year two (2011-12), ten CR stations from across India (excluding Tamil Nadu) are involved in the project; each will broadcast a 16-part series on TB between August and November 2011.


Content is yet to be updated by the station.

Content is yet to be updated by the station.

Content is yet to be updated by the station.

The Axshya Community Radio Project is being implemented as part of the Global Fund Round 9 Activities in India. The project is being coordinated by REACH, a non-profit organisation based in Chennai. The South East Asia Office of the International

Email: anupamasrinivasan.reach@gmail.com

Org. / Institution : REACH
Language : NA