14872 Audio Programmes | 34 Program Languages | 44 Program Themes | 156 CR Stations | 56 CR Initiatives | and growing...

Air Pollution (Bangala)   
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

A short radio spot describing the impact of air pollution. It informs about the top ten polluted cities of India.

Jalshghar (Bangala)   
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

Folk song by local community.

Uttor melani (Bangala)   
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

A family comedy drama depicting the value of money. It shows how a family is not ready to employ a domestic help in order to save money.


<p>Our main objective is to give an open forum to Kolkota&rsquo;s cosmopolitan community and provide maximum support of the downtrodden people of community. SRFTI 90.4 CR&rsquo;s main motto is to give the voice to voiceless.</p>

<p>SRFTI initiated the Community Radio programme with a view to provide the voiceless a voice.</p>

SRFTI CR @90.4 MHz broadcasts its programmes for six hours daily between 10:00 am – 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm.

Languages of Broadcast: Mainly in Bengali as most of our local community speak Bengali. We also do programmes in English and Hindi as our student community come from different places in India and other countries.

Name of the Programme Format Description
Nagorik Talk show/performing arts/interactive Programme with people from all sections of society
Aroggo Niketan Talk show/performing arts/interactive Interactive programmes with eminent doctors and medical personalities on health related issues.
Janoo Aronno All formats Programme with persons from business, school, college, university teachers/students, entertainers and festivals, seminars, workshops with local cultural events
Kahini Mixed formats Indulge the creative side of our community’ nature. This segment is for all well deserving knavish authors, writers and poets
Jalsaghar Mixed formats Music based show, record and play several types of folk songs by local community people.

Source: Compendium 2011 and 2012, CEMCA and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India

<p>Signature Programmes: Dhannimeye, Nagorik, AroggoNiketan, JanooAronnoAronno, Kahini, Jalsaghar. Community Participation: SRFTI Community Radio 90.4 CR is blessed withparticipation from people in the community and this participation has resulted in production and airing of programmes with labour contractors,roadside hawkers, daily-wage earners, farmers, auto-rickshaw drivers, newspaper vendors, tea-shop owners and many professionals. SRFTI hasa number of out-door programmescovering and promoting local and social events and institutional programmes with the help of volunteers from the community.</p>

<p>Funding and Partnerships: Funding at the time of inception (Infrastructure development Procurement of technical items) was provided by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.</p>

<p>SRFTI Community Radio works among vulnerable sections of the community. These sections were not completely aware of their rights and entitlements and efforts to address this issue had to go hand-in-hand with making the community sensitive to their needs as well. Other aspects,like influence of the suburbs, non-existence of roads to take pre and post natal women to the health centre and hospitals and a total lack of awareness among these women about their minimum basic fundamental rights were also addressed.</p>

<p><strong>Core Team:</strong><br />Kathakali Dass, Dipankar Mukherjee,Sreemanti Dutta Sharma</p> <p><strong>CRMC Members:</strong><br />Nodal officer, programme coordinator, sound recordist, SRFTI volunteers.</p>

SRFTI Community Radio, Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, E.M.Bypass Road, Kolkata - 700 094.
Phone: 9836409379, 9836409379,
Email: srfticommunityradio@gmail.com and kathakali.dass@gmail.com

Frequency : 90.4000015258789
Broadcast hours : 10:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 17:00 Hours
Established in : 2008-05-24
Org. / Institution :
Language : NA