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International Women's Day ( Sinhala)   
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International Women’s day is celebrated on 8th March every year. Women did not have the freedom to celebrate a women’s day in the past. Women who gathered to celebrate women’s day were beaten by the police and was tear gassed in 1983. But today women have the freedom to celebrate Women’s day.

Women's Day ( Sinhala)   
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ලංකාවේ කාන්තා දින සැමරැමේ එදා සහ මෙදා ලබා ඇති ජයග්‍රාහී පසුබිම ...

Representation of women in the media ( Sinhala)   
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Most advertisement seen on TV, radio, newspaper and billboards use the image of women to attract the public attention. Women’s bodies are used as sexual objects to advertise consumer products. Young women are exploited in the name of profit. What you should keep in mind is that you are violating other person's rights for your own material benefits.

Women and reproductive health ( Sinhala)   
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ප්‍රජනන සෙෘඛ්‍ය - කාන්තාවකට දරැ ඵල ප්‍රමාද වූ විට ගැහැනිය පමණක් වරදකාරිය කර ඇගේ ගෙෘරවයට අභිමානයට අගෙෘරව කිරීමට කිසිවකුටත් යුතුකමක් හෝ අයිතියක් නොමැත.

If a married couple does not have children often the blame comes to the wife. The husband does not get the blame. Should women be humiliated due to the fact that she can’t bare children?

Women migrate for work ( Sinhala)   
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A large number of women migrate for work in order to earn money for their families. But we often do not respect her and value her work. Should we not talk more on her rights and security?
සමුදුරෙන් එහා රන් කහවනු සොයා ගිය අපේ කතුන් ගැන...

Children and Conflict in SriLanka ( Sinhala)   
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Child rights are often marginalized. Children living in conflict affected countries suffer more than other children. Children should be taught respect each other and live in peace and harmony

කුඩා ළමුන් සන්නද්ධ සේවා වලින් මුදවා ගැනී

Resettlement for Secured Future ( Sinhala)   
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ඉන්න හිටින්නට ගෙයක් දොරක් නැතිව අසරණ වූ අවතැන් වූ අපේම ජනතාව ‍වෙනුවෙන්

It is our responsibility to re-settle the thousands of families displaced by war and destruction. Let us make sure to give them permanent and safe housing so that they too are entitled to a secure tomorrow.     

Media for Women ( Sinhala)   
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මාධ්‍ය තුළින් කාන්තා දියුණුවට දැනුවත් වීමට ඇති ඉඩ කඩ

Most women's magazines, newspapers, radio and TV programs teach women about cooking, sewing, beauty culture, bridal dressing etc. Very few women’s programs and articles teach women the importance of developing their knowledge, their legal rights and their responsibilities at work and towards the country. Should we not build a feminist literature that educates a women mind?

Labour Rights for Women ( Sinhala)   
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වැඩ කරන කාන්තාවන් සදහා නීතිමය පනත්

Labour rights for women should not be limited to mere words in a legal clause. They should be strictly enforced to ensure that the rights of all women workers are not violated. At a time when the labour rights of women workers are exploited, isn’t it our responsibility to provide the adequate safety measures that they need to safeguard the rights they deserve?

Women in Religion ( Sinhala)   
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වත් පිලිවෙත් හා ආගමික කටයුතු සදහා කාන්තාවන්ගේ දායකත්වය

In all religious activities it is the woman who takes the primary responsibility, be it in a religious institution or in a home. It is she who imparts the religious teachings on to her children and to generations to come. Despite her involvement, she is considered secondary to her male counterpart in all religious matters. Where is the equality in this?


46 Programme(s)

Sinhala is also known as Sinhalese language and is the official language spoken in Sri Lanka. Sinhala along with Pali has contributed to the development of rich Buddhist literature. Sinhala has its own writing system which belongs to Brahmi script.